Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists


Oussama Lahlou


Institution: EMSI (Ecole Marocaine des Sciences de l'Ingénieur)

Subject: "An Ontology for modeling remote museum visits"

Supervisors: Michel Buffa, Thierry Bergeron

Yaroslav Nechaev

Ph.D. student, University of Trento, Italy (October 2017-present).

Subject: Improving the prediction of objects and relations on images by using large unsupervised corpora like Twitter and Wikipedia.

Visits to International Teams

Research Stays Abroad

Raphaël Gazzotti

Date: March-April.

Visit of the Natural Language Processing research group of the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina, for one month as a secondment of the MIREL H2020 Project.

We proceed to the tokenization of a small sample of questions and answers from the customer service of a big insurance company. Then, following a guideline, we annotated, thankfully to a graphical interface developed within the Natural Language Processing research group at the FaMAF, insurance-related concepts from this corpus and considered them as Named Entities. We mapped these concepts to two ontologies -YAGO and Property and Casualty data model developed by the Object Management Group that we translated to OWL format- [50]. We expect to map them to more ontologies and increase existing ones, like a financial ontology and another specific to communication, then ultimately to Linked Open Data. In a future step, we would like to identify and label automatically concepts using a small annotated corpus as a training set. We believe that annotated concepts can improve automatic categorization of questions and help to reason with different levels of abstraction.